
Outlander Leading Actor Double July 2022
Outlander - Fitting - Tue 15th March
Anansi Boys - Passer by - 2 days filming 11th and 12th April
YP Travel card commercial - Granton area - Thurs 18th Nov
Music Video- Edinburgh - Monday 18th Oct
Burrell Collection - Squire - 19 Oct, included handling of live falcon
Princess Mirrorbelle - Jake - 19th to 23rd July - Clydebank
Crime - 6 July - Edinburgh
Paid speaking role: Young Toby, Sound for the Future (Aconite Productions 2020)
Professional productions: Ensemble choir, 2017 UK Touring production of Joseph and The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat, Edinburgh Playhouse March 2017, Dunfermline Alhambra Theatre September 2017
Edinburgh Military Tattoo Choir - nightly performances to 9,000 audience members every night, August 2017
Amateur performances - Legally Blonde, Kings Theatre July 2019, Bugsy Malone (Bronx Charlie), Romeo and Juliette (Mercutio), We Will Rock You, Our Town
Member of Lothian Arts and Musicals Company. Past student of Fierce Theatre School and MGA Academy.


Singing, Grade 7
Guitar, Grade 6 (acoustic, bass and electric)
Dancing - stage, tap, commercial, jazz
Sports - tennis, athletics, football
Holds Disclosure and is vaccinated

Song writing, producing and video direction and production of own material https://youtu.be/cXj2XGZNhcg


Age 19
Hair Brown
Eyes Green
Chest 32″
Waist 30″
Inside leg 28″
Height 5"7' (1.70m)
Head 22.50
Collar 14.50
Shoe size 8.00