
Lagging - Actor double - Monday 24th July
Nightsleeper - usual Gov analytics 4th July
Nightsleeper - usual Gov analytics 8th July
Nightsleeper - usual Gov analytics 5th July
Nightsleeper - usual Gov analytics 6th July
Nightsleeper - usual Gov analytics 7th July
Mayflies Filming Friday 2nd September
Visit Scotland St Andrews golf course 29th Aug
Member of Glasgow Acting Academy, extra in Peter Mullan's 'Ned's'/ Photo Shoot for Skills Development Scotland/ Waterloo Road BBC Drama/ Rightmove TV Commercial, Seven Seas TV Com Featured 17/1/13, BBC Drama River City 12/9 Arcade, 20/9 Arcade,26/10/11 Arcade,3/5/12 Ned, 11/10/12, 20/2/13 pb, Arcade 28/2/13, 19/3/13 pb, Irn Bru TV Com/ TV Commercial Erskine Hospital, Case Histories 16/11/12 drinker
Waterloo Road ser 8 100 appearances between 5/4/12 ,1/2/13, Waterlooo Road ser 9 1/4/13, plus 56 appearances plus 29/7/13, 30/07/13, 31/07/13, 8/8/13, 14/8/13, 27/08/13, 28/8/13, 2/9/13, 3/9/13,5/9/13, 6/9/13, 09/09/13, 10/09/13, 11/09/13, 12/09/13, 17/09/13, 18/09/13, 30/09/13, 06/10/13, 09/10/13, 10/10/13, 14/10/13, 15/10/13, 17/10/13, 22/10/13, 23/10/13, 24/10/13, 29/10/13, 30/10/13, 31/10/13, 01/11/13, 05/11/13, 06/11/13, 08/11/13, 13/11/13, 15/11/13, 17/11/13, 18/11/13, 21/11/13, 24/11/13, 25/11/13, 27/11/13, 28/11/13, 29/11/13, 02/12/13, 04/12/13, 05/12/13, 06/12/13, 09/12/13, 10/12/13, 11/12/13, 12/12/13, 13/12/13 ,22/8/14 last day of filming,
'Little Crackers' Sky TV 23/10/12,Film 'One day like this' 26/09/12, 07/10/12 prom, Film 'Sunshine on Leith' 30/11/12, BBC Comedy Secret Dudes Society 28/4/13, Gianni's Fish & Chip shop 11/07/13, TV Commercial for National Lotto 10/8/13, Film 'Outlander' 07/10/13 & 22/11/13 1940's Soldier
BBC Pramface 07/11/13, Film 'Swung' 08/12/13
Waterloo Road Ser 10 29/05/14, 04/06/14, 18/08/14, Scrotal Recall 13/08/14, 15/08/14
BBC Drama river City 20/9/14 college student, Credit Union photo shoot 15/07/15
Outlander Male Student 13/02/2016
Outlander 1960's 16/02/2016
Photo Shoot Aberdeen 19/02/2016
RBS Six Nations Rugby 17/01/2017
River city passer bys 14/02/2017
Trust me hospital casualty 21/02/2017, 22/02/2017
River city passer by 27/02/2017
River City Passer By 02/03/2017
River City 17/03/2017
River city passer by 27/03/2017, River city passer by 11/04/2017
Shetland Bergin Uniform police 17/04/2017
River city all for the pub 20/04/2017
River city pub 26/04/2017
LOVESICK Pub Punters 22/05/2017, 23/05/2017, 24/05/2017
RBS Photography Shoot 26/05/2017, Scots Squad 20/6/17
River city pub 29/08/2017
Scottish Power Commercial 24/10/2017
River city 24/03/2018. Badala Indian film 14/6/18 Waiter
Sustrans Photo shoot on 11th June Paisley Town Centre Glasgow
Sustrans Photo shoot on 11th June Paisley Town Centre Glasgow
Deadwater Fell Tue 30th
TV com, Cyclists thurs 12th Feb
River City Thurs 13 th Feb


Driving Licence



Age 30
Chest 38″
Waist 30″
Height 5"10' (1.77m)
Shoe size 8.00