
Disney Film - Covid test Tue 29th June
Major Disney Film
- 6-week Shakespeare acting class (with director Jennifer Dick) (Jan 2019 - Mar 2019)
- 1-day mock audition workshop with Martin McCardie (Jan 2019)
- Der Rosenkavalier (Scottish Opera) (2006)
- Photo shoot for Der Rosenkavalier (2006)
- Educational short film (Anti Bullying campaign)
- High school drama classes (2004/05 - 2005/06)
Netflix Behind Her Eyes Sun 23rd June
83 Bollywood film Fri 14th June
Netflix Behind her eyes Sun 23rd June 1st group
Netflix Behind her eyes 2nd group Sun 23rd June
THe Nest hospital Males scene Sat 16th Nov


Languages -- Fluent in French, English and Lingala (Congolese dialect). Currently learning Spanish and Italian (self taught)
Athlete: basketball, football (soccer), 100m sprint, relay, badminton, pool (billiards)
American accent
Attention to detail
Strong communicator
Driver's license (full UK manual license). Able to drive automatic and on the right side (driven in the US and Italy)


Age 33
Hair Black
Eyes Black
Chest 42″
Waist 36″
Inside leg 32″
Height 5"11' (1.80m)
Collar 17.50
Shoe size 10.00