
"I was fortunate enough to land a role in 'Crime Season 2', a popular TV drama that tells the story of a team of detectives working to solve a high-profile case. Through this experience, I was able to develop my skills in character development and script analysis, as well as learn how to work effectively as part of a large ensemble cast. I am proud to have been a part of such a successful production and am eager to continue pursuing opportunities in television.
I had the opportunity to participate in an ITV competition advertising campaign that aired on TV. Through this experience, I learned how to create engaging and memorable advertisements that resonated with viewers. I worked closely with a team of creative professionals to develop concepts, produce content, and analyze the effectiveness of our campaigns. I am proud of the work I did and look forward to continuing to explore the intersection of advertising and entertainment."


1. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
2. Ability to take direction and work collaboratively with cast and crew
3. Strong improvisational skills
4. Physical stamina and flexibility
5. Experience with script analysis and character development
6. Ability to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines
7. Understanding of camera angles and blocking
8. Ability to maintain focus and energy during long hours on set
9. Familiarity with industry terminology and protocol
10. Willingness to learn and take on new challenges.


Age 49
Hair Black
Eyes Green
Chest 44″
Waist 38″
Hips 34″
Inside leg 32″
Height 5"11' (1.80m)
Head 23.50
Collar 18.00
Shoe size 11.00