
The Rig - Fittings - Thurs 27th July - Leith
The Rig - Police officers - 31st 1st & 2nd aug
In Vietnam I organised and facilitated drama classes for people with hearing disabilities in the age of 4 to 25.

I took part as model in a photoshoot for an online city tour company.

For three years I have worked in forensic psychiatry in the Netherlands on a closed ward.
I have worked with people with drug addiction on a open psychiatric ward for one year.

For the last twenty years I have worked abroad in multi cultural settings in complex environments in countries like Papua New Guinea, Sierra Leone, Yemen and Vietnam as trainer and community worker with street children/youth and children/youth with disabilities.

In 2004 in Papua New Guinea I was the lead in a documentary made by a Dutch national network on the work of the NGO I was volunteering with at that time.

For a friend, who is a designer, I have taken part in a fashion show as model in Madagascar.

In the capacity of Social Care student and worker I have experience with role play to enact and analyse casestudies.

I have done a short course to work as a guest actor, and played roles in exam tests with the aim for students to showcase learning in a practical simulation of a work related scenario in Social Care work in The Netherlands.

Very recently I have taken part in role play as a student at the University of Edinburgh as part of their programme for Social Work.

I have extensive experience in working with groups as a trainer facilitator.


I speak fluent Dutch, English and Melanesian Tok Pidgin (the later might be a bit rusty) I speak a little German and French.
I have a driver's licence and have driven in various countries in the world on both sides of the road.
No I have my PADI divers license, but would require a refresher course.
I have driven a motorbike in various countries but I don't have a license.
I have some experience in sailing.
I have worked with people all over the world most of my working career, either as Social Care worker, training facilitator, advisor and in leadership roles.


Age 51
Hair Brown
Eyes Blue
Chest 40″
Waist 36″
Hips 34″
Inside leg 33″
Height 6"3' (1.90m)
Head 23.50
Collar 17.00
Shoe size 11.00